May 29, 2024


Alpha lands where the stars align,
A legend born of cosmic sign,
Archangel Michael, fierce and wise,
A soul that roars through endless skies.

'Tween lightning and the whirlwind's flow,
A child of freedom, unbound, let go,
Michael's roar and Archangel's flight,
Melded in one, a powerful sight.

In the face of life's most daunting tides,
Archangel Michael gracefully glides,
Handling woes with a steady hand,
An unchained spirit, the stance's grand.

Friendly, persistent, unpredictable flair,
Passionate heart, emotions laid bare,
Charm that seeks approval’s light,
Turning darkness into bright.

Competitive spirit, always in stride,
Challenges faced with unyielding pride,
No fear in heart, no task too vast,
Efficient, reliable, forever steadfast.

Yet anger's storm and raging tide,
When others fail to see their side,
Determination, ambition’s flame,
A double-edged sword, both pride and shame.

Detachment’s veil, rules cast aside,
Unpredictable, in spontaneity’s stride,
A friend whose presence never bores,
Their laughter and joy open diety's doors.

With children, tender, with friends sincere,
Bringing beauty, dispelling fear,
Ideas bloom, passion's fire,
In their presence, dreams aspire.

Lucky charm, st Michael's gift,
With Saints and Angels, spirits lift,
Attention-seeking, yet heart so true,
Persuasive power, commanding view.

Independent mind, decisions firm,
Stubborn resolve, to never squirm,
Perfect careers in realm profound,
Travels, all science, where wonders abound.

Inner worlds, unseen, untold,
Guarded hearts, stories unfold,
Impulse-driven, temper fierce,
Vanity, their Achilles' pierce.

Love's flame flickers, then it roars,
Passion's wave crashes on distant shores,
Obsession's grip in love's embrace,
Yet freedom's call they still chase.

Cautious hearts in romance tread,
Fear of chains, by love misled,
Partners shift as seasons turn,
Commitment's fire, they seldom burn.

Archangel Michael, wild and free,
Seeker of truth, a mystery,
Charismatic, yet wary of harm,
Success found in maturity's palm.

Analytical, precise, his mind,
In exact sciences, his talents find,
Restless spirit, goals in sight,
Joy he brings, stability's light.

An intelligent ally, he shall seek,
Testing hearts, love unique,
In later years, his heart he’ll bind,
With love that's true, tender, kind.

Thus ends tale of these stars and stripes,
Of Michael's roar and Archangel’s flights,
A soul unbound, forever grand,
Archangel Michael's legends stand.

-Hermit King-