September 11, 2024

Tyrantic Tyranny of Tyrants

Trapping the traps of the trappers,
Rapping the raps of the rappers,
Hyping the hypes of the hypnos,
Psyching the psyche of psychos.

Dividing divides the divisions,
Providing provides the provisions,
Deciders decide all decisions,
Missers keep missing the missions.

Spinning the spin of the spinners,
Sinning the sin of the sinners,
Losing the lose to the winners,
Pinning the pins to the pinners.

Slaves to the slaves of the slavers,
Grave in the grave of the gravers,
Paving the pave for the pavers,
Waving the wave for the wavers.

Faking the fake of the fakers,
Breaking the break of the breakers,
Taking the take of the takers,
Shaking the shake of the shakers.

Crashing the crash of the crashers,
Smashing the smash of the smashers,
Thrashing the thrash of the thrashers,
Flashing the flash of the flashers.

Beating the beat of the beaters,
Cheating the cheat of the cheaters,
Meeting the meet of the meters,
Heating the heat of the heaters.

Lying the lie of the liars,
Firing the fire of the fires,
Wiring the wire of wires,
Tiring the tire of what tires.

Living what lives of the livers,
Giving what gives of the givers,
Shivering the shiver of shivers,
Delivering delivery delivers.

-Hermit King-

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