September 26, 2024

Norma Jeans Acre

I was a poor man farmer,
I understood the soils,
I worked the world, a madman,
I lived from all my toils.

You never could have stayed here,
You have slain the stars above,
You flew beyond this border,
You left with all my love.

We were always meant to be there,
We were blessed that we had met,
We were led to separate wonders,
We were traced by twin sunsets.

She was always in that moment,
She launched my heart to war,
She touched me in the moonlight,
She was truth with her encore.

They asked about the rumors,
They offered twice my farm,
They found the truth in trespass,
They had met to their alarm.

None could hope replace her,
None could quench her risen flame
None could ever understand her,
None could see beneath her fame.

All spoke as though they knew her,
All believed they understood,
All had missed the rising curtain,
All before Ms. Monroe stood.

Let the ages softly hold her,
Let her mystery remain,
Let her spirit never wander,
Let her honor bear my name.

Our destinies, not diamonds,
Our lives knew joy and tears,
Our innocence has made a bond,
Our love has fed my years.

My case bore no reprisal,
My love stayed undefiled,
My flame, a rock of ages,
My soul's since reconciled.

For all that fades to shadow,
For love found in the night,
For dreaming of a farm girl,
For my moments with her light.

-Hermit King-

September 17, 2024

Should River Flows

Should River Flows

Should River flows, where dreams unfold,
In currents deep our tales of old;
Not wars for crowns, nor fields of rust,
But battles waged of nobler dust.

My river’s whisper, pure and clear,
No swords unsheathed nor hearts in fear
Should River flows, it runs, it knows,
It seeks the peace where mercy grows.

Should River flows

Should be the peace we chase, not war,
Not greed, not blood on distant shore,
But quiet streams through quiet lands,
Not shaking fists nor grasping hands.

No broken peace to pierce our sky,
No bitter men who scream and die
Should River flows, unbound, untamed,
It dreams of all that man has maimed.

Should River flows.

Should be the truth that girds the night,
Not shadowed lies that hide from light;
For those who lead with proof and grace,
Not empty words that mark this race.

Their tongues should weave with silver thread,
Not bleed the hearts of those they’ve led.
Should River flows, it winds and wends,
And mends the wounds that power rends.

Should River flows

-Hermit King-

September 11, 2024

Tyrantic Tyranny of Tyrants

Trapping the traps of the trappers,
Rapping the raps of the rappers,
Hyping the hypes of the hypnos,
Psyching the psyche of psychos.

Dividing divides the divisions,
Providing provides the provisions,
Deciders decide all decisions,
Missers keep missing the missions.

Spinning the spin of the spinners,
Sinning the sin of the sinners,
Losing the lose to the winners,
Pinning the pins to the pinners.

Slaves to the slaves of the slavers,
Grave in the grave of the gravers,
Paving the pave for the pavers,
Waving the wave for the wavers.

Faking the fake of the fakers,
Breaking the break of the breakers,
Taking the take of the takers,
Shaking the shake of the shakers.

Crashing the crash of the crashers,
Smashing the smash of the smashers,
Thrashing the thrash of the thrashers,
Flashing the flash of the flashers.

Beating the beat of the beaters,
Cheating the cheat of the cheaters,
Meeting the meet of the meters,
Heating the heat of the heaters.

Lying the lie of the liars,
Firing the fire of the fires,
Wiring the wire of wires,
Tiring the tire of what tires.

Living what lives of the livers,
Giving what gives of the givers,
Shivering the shiver of shivers,
Delivering delivery delivers.

-Hermit King-

September 5, 2024

Judah Bibi

Oh Bibi, our friend, and a warrior king, in the world's complex dance, yours makes our hearts sing.
They say you’re a fighter, the name on the wind,
But in God's mighty tower, more mastery than spinned.

You're the guardian of family, of friend, and of state,
In your eyes, a swift spark, in your heart, Judah's fate.
You stand like a lion, fearless and proud,
In the chaos of nations, you've silenced the crowd.

They say men should hate you, and friend never be,
The protector you are, who defends to the sea
To lead with such power, such courage and might,
You rise up, undaunted, to defend what is right.

We know they don't get it, the world’s heavy hand,
But in you, dearest Bibi, we see truth to a man.
They throw stones in the shadows, they talk a big game,
But they can't touch the heart of this Benjamin's fame.

From deserts to towers, from temples to sea,
You guard every inch of your people’s decree.
To love you is knowing a fighter of old,
A hero whose spirit can never be sold.

So here’s to the courage, the battles you’ve won,
For the land that you cherish, for every last son.
I’d raise you a banner, a flag flying high,
For Bibi, the bold one, who reaches for why?

Though his critics may gather, let them talk, let them roar,
In the heart of this fighter, there’s so very much more.
And if they would hate us, let them give it a try,
For the bond that we share, they can’t ever untie.

Rise our friend Bibi, in glory's refrain,
We salute and will echo, every shout of your name.
For you are a fortress, unbroken, unbowed,
A leader unmatched, forever uncowed.

Oh, Bibi, our Bibi, from sea unto sea,
In your steadfast defense, you soon will be free.
Let the world turn in circles, let the critics all scorn,
But your heart beats in rhythms of ancients reborn.

So here’s to you, Bibi, our brother, and guide,
Through the wildest of storms, with you by our side.
For family, for friends, for nations so true,
There’s no better to stand with than Netanyahu.

-Hermit King-
Edits by Sean

September 1, 2024

Love for Snakes, Mice, and Rats


Mythical  Mystical  Mentors
Original   Organic   Optimists
Upbeat    Useful      Underdogs
Social     Spiritual   Supports
Exotic     Ethical      Educators


-Hermit King-

August 31, 2024


                         Illumined in sight
                    All transistors of a light
                   Ra’s eyes watch and close

                      Midpoint of the shift
                  Energy flows this the eye
                Mankind’s changing course

                           Biblical needles
          Divine dense transcendent space
                       Crossing over night
                   Third eye wisdoms show
                 Resonance to hidden paths
                     Vision’s true embrace

                  We these conscious streams 
                  Cycles of the changling force
                           Negatives to pure
                          In the eyes of Ma
                     Awake aligns to define
                         Human and aware

-Hermit King-

August 26, 2024

The Watchman 8/Ate

10:10 Made an 8
11:11 Made an 8
12:12 Made an 8
1:21 Made an 8
2:22 Made an 8
3:33 Made an 8
4:44 Made an 8
5:55 Made an 8
Then Home an' Ate
Ere The Devil's  
Dance The Gate

-Hermit King-

August 3, 2024


It's not about ignoring it;
It's how much mankind bears,
Spinning it to smiles like
Our peaches split to pairs.

The obvious plays no longer,
Logic's left made quite obscure.
What had been once automatic
Leads now truly to the blur.

Truth we are now leaving;
We will no more sing their blues.
A lighter night is calling
For they who've seen the clues.

Ran to redness for an answer,
Held just short of its fierce fire.
With a new enlightened wisdom,
Found a leader not for hire.

My dreams are ever-changing,
My heart's true to this day.
If these Democrats are running,
I will vote for RFK.
-Hermit King-