May 20, 2017

Melancholy Rose

Thorns be welcome to the 
Blood of Melancholy Rose

Skin both pale and painted by the
Graphics of her prose

Appetites for darkness 
Pouring slurry into light

Loneliness surrounding Rose
Fed the black to night

Bracing for each season of the
Time she pays the toll

Sleeping just a respite to a
Fury in her soul

Victim to fates choosing
Computations for her life

Crushed by rock of ages and
A Damiclean knife

Hope a thing of beauty
Understood yet all askew

As the tunnel into twilights
Bitter madness comes to view

Screaming to the blindness like
A dragon on the lance

Death among the shadows
Born again in every dance

Battered by the breakers
On the rocks of her own shore

Terrors twisted whirlwind
Comes a horseman to the door

Never certain of an outcome
Favored only by the odds

Rose rides her race through chaos
Thoughts of winning to her gods

-Hermit King-

For Dani