August 28, 2009

Goodbye and Thank You

Hugo Fotheringham- 
Died quietly in his best friends arms
at 2:00 pm August 27th 2009
Gone - flitted away,
Taken the stars from the night
and the sun from the day
Gone, and a cloud in my heart
-Alfred Tennyson-


calibosmom said...

I am so sad but happy that he was such a special part of your life. He is a sweet dog. I am sure he will be the first to greet you...
I Love you!!!

Hermit King said...

Strange how much of us we can invest in an animal. Maybe if I learn anything I can start investing that into people again. Thanks Sis and one of the most powerful forces in my life is I Know You Love Me. From three thousand miles away, I can feel it right down into my bones.