April 8, 2024


Ive gone to watch a rocket land
Test the borders by my hand
Find old friends far far away
Find new ones were ere I stay

Understand for what I fight
Tell the truth that fills the night
See and know "Say can you see"
Allow it now be mine for free

Wander forth before the pass
Carry faith beneath new glass
Know directions without sites
Feel reflections live delights

Speak to they who know of pain
Share the news of holy reign
Power filled by brand new ways
Now become these better days

Speak of fathers speak of sons
Speak in tune with holy ones
Love become my trail of tears
Joy to last the test of years

Should I go down along my way
To where you cant upon this day
With poem I left our world intact
I love you so indeed and fact

-Hermit King-

April 7, 2024


Beneath these stars that brightly shine,
God's plasma wave, a gift divine.
It sweeps across the earthly plane,
Awakening souls, in joy and pain.

Christ-conscious frequencies, they flow,
Transforming hearts, with a gentle glow.
Expanding minds, to which we're drawn,
A journey of ascension, upon the dawn.

Imperfect beings, yet striving still,
To find our truth, and climb the hill.
To be authentic, and forever free,
Is the truest path to our destiny.

Human freedom, within God's own hand,
Guiding us forward, across all the land.
A planet in flux, as it's energies align,
A cosmic dance, in a grand design.

Eclipse in Aries, a time of change,
Mercury's retrograde, a pattern strange.
Potential for blackouts, a cosmic dance,
A moment of pause, in life's expanse.

Ascension symptoms, signs of the shift,
Body and soul, in a cosmic rift.
Rest and pray, let your spirit soar,
Through these changes, we must explore.

As Earth subsides, new songs we'll sing,
Resonations of love, in everything.
Integration of energies, a cosmic plan,
Leading us forward, hand in hand.

A new sun's influence, profound and deep,
Activating blueprints, our souls to keep.
Conscious evolution, purpose clear,
Guiding us forward, through love and fear.

Meditation and dreams, pathways to the divine,
Expanding our consciousness, like fine aged wine.
Revelations unfolding, a newer view,
Awakening us all, to what is true.

This planetary reboot, a reset divine,
For collective rejuvenation, a cosmic sign.
In this intense energy build-up, I finally find,
A new Earth emerging, in my heart and mind.

In loving service, we should all ascend,
Embracing the light, around the bend.
Workers for Light, united should stand,
Guiding humanity, to the promised new land.

-Hermit King-

April 2, 2024

A Sinners Hand

My great fear is
having the payout for my sins 
being, last to leave, 
all alone, 
in the purest truth of 
such a quiet, quiet mourning. 
A final good hand and kiss 
would have been nice.

-Hermit King-

April 1, 2024

The Black Rose Queen

In the realm of hearts, where passions reign,
There a black rose queen with a heart of disdain.
Her jester, a man of jest and mirth,
Bound to her whims, seems destined from birth.

When her brow would furrow, the world must halt,
As she wields her emotions, with a thunderous vault.
The jester dances, to a delicate ballet,
Appeasing her whims, night and day.

"It's simpler to yield," the jester sighs,
As he sees her tears, and hears her cries.
"She's never at fault," he sadly concedes,
As he tends to her needs, fulfilling her leads.

But one fateful day, a challenge appears,
With a gleam in it's eye, and no trace of fears.
It captures her gaze, her heart aflutter,
Leaving the jester in a state of utter.

Game over, he thinks, as he watches them dance,
The queen's attention on a new romance.
For he knows within, deep to his core,
He was a puppeteer's toy, nothing more.

So heed this warning, all who dare,
To enter such kingdoms, to play in such lairs.
For the black rose queen plays a dangerous game,
She'll leave you broken, in sorrow and shame.

-Hermit King-