February 17, 2019


Quiet came the truth
Quick and bitter to this fight
Quelled the traitors cause

Quorum paid their toll
Quaking thunder on the wall
Quills to right a wrong

Quash the serpent fed
Queens and captains kick in check
Quartered by the mob

Quitting no arrest
Quotes seem gone and sought anew
Quoth we nevermore

Quiver some to shame
Quintisential to a pause
Quantom comes the light

Qualified command
Queirries left are met and done
Quilting our assent

-Hermit King-


February 8, 2019

The Catwood

Seed unique of place in time 
grew the Catwood tree
Far beneath a boulders soil 
barely lit set she

Hopeless seemed her happenstance
Just below a crack
Given just a grain of hope 
Catwood grew from black

Fighting just to fill a space 
Hardened by the world
Catwood fought and found a breach
Just to be unfurled

Stalwart was her journey 
Shifting through the stone
Often nearer giving in 
Than rising all alone

Wisdom from the waters 
And a courage in the night
Catwood battled upward 
To the vision of her light

Faithful in a knowledge that 
The work would set her free
Catwood split the boulder 
To become a mighty tree

Rooted to her granite base 
A trunk of stately spire
Branched of dreams to bless the earth 
Blooming to inspire

Riches now a gift she gives 
In others arid lands
Seeing what it took to be 
Where now the Catwood stands

-Hermit King-
